Wednesday 29 December 2010

Those three little words......

Not 'I Love you' but, "I WAS WRONG."
You know they are the three little words every woman wants to hear from a man....

We went down this morning to visit the RV, the weather had thawed and at last and we could finally check that all the tanks were OK and that the toilet mechanism worked (as the system had been frozen solid for over a week).
We were in luck, the drain valves opened and what grey or black water was inside quickly drained away and the flush mechanism in the WC worked fine.
After I had fired up the engine and manoeuvred the RV away from a neighbouring caravan we started to transfer items from our old caravan over to the RV.
In need of a wash

It soon became more than obvious that some of the items we planned to store in the RV were going to be in need of another cull.
Kay's been worrying from the beginning that we have far too much stuff and you guessed it 'she was right'. So knuckles in mouth I had to admit that I'd been wrong in my estimation on what room we had for storage. No doubt we will get better at just keeping only the items we really need.

It's been a grey wet and miserable day and soon we were in need of warm food and a dry out, so items got left where they were to be stored tomorrow.
Were both still fighting off this dreaded flu bug so we jumped in the car and drove back to Gav & Kristina's for a hot Irish stew and to complete more paperwork.
We are expecting Gav & Kristina to arrive back from their trip to Scotland today just hope they're not full of flue as well.
dirt stained and sad

I had sent away for some locker catches as one important one that held the cover over the waste hatch had started to split, fortunately they arrived this morning so that's one job now off my list.

More Anon

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