Wednesday 5 October 2011

Swelter, Swelter

Well folks, that’s what we came here for so we shouldn't complain should we? The temperature at the moment is a very hot 28 degrees and we’ve quickly sought the cool of the awning’s shade after a delightful lunch.

Last night Kay & I sat in the barmy warmth of a Mediterranean evening as a gentle breeze wafted through the trees while the cicadas chirped merrily away, we sipped on our cool tall glasses of Vino Tinto and had plenty of time to reflect on what we have achieved.

It’s nice to have your dreams come true if even for just a short while and here’s hoping that they continue for a long time to come.

Our new friends Nigel & Lyn had invited us for a drink at the Marjel bar where we were introduced to another couple who are working here as site inspectors for the Caravan Club now there’s a dream job.

Last night I tried some Tapas and Sardines which I found quite enjoyable which for me is unusual as I normally can’t taste fish. We’ve noticed that the Vino Tinto is being consumed at a much higher rate than normal so at some point this has to stop, as it’s both our aims to lose some weight not put more on.

As we strolled back to our RV in the fading dusk I was fascinated by quite a large colony of bats that flew so close I could almost touch them as they fluttered around us chasing insects.

Our new Pitch till November
Secluded & Private


Today we had a visit from the Repsol engineer who after checking over our gas connections gave us a certificate of gas worthiness. So now we can have our LPG for domestic purposes delivered here on site instead of having to motor up to our nearest Repsol depot in Alacanti. If you have an RV with the ExstendaStay valve fitted and you want to fit an external bottle you will need to be aware of this regulation.

The cost of the inspection and the certificate costs €40 but lasts for 5 years. Here in Marjel they will then supply you with the large 13 Kg bottles of LPG to your pitch though you do pay a refundable deposit of €30 for the first bottle but the refills will then only cost you €14.50.

If you intend to return each year (as we do) it will work out quite economical and far less hassle than having to move off pitch or drive out to get refills.

Millionaires Row
Our Shady Nook

Today we missed out on an organised walk to the local market in Guadamar as we had to wait here for the Repsol engineer, but we did manage to attend the first Spanish for beginners class yesterday and we have found out that they also have art classes which will be fine for me and line dancing classes that will be right up Kay’s street.

They also organise cycle trips and walking trips which we will both be attending so it looks as if there’s no shortage of things for us to do.


More Anon 

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