Tuesday 25 October 2011

Kilometres Clogs’ & Currywurst’s

OK I know you’re trying to figure that one out but it sums up all that’s happened to us since my last post.

Kilometre’s: last Tuesday I joined the Dutch cycling group again, as I’d promised the previous Saturday to keep up my fitness regime, well trying to exercise more than eating and drinking that is. 
Off we went at ten o’clock (their daily starting time) and cycled past the urbanisation of Marina Oasis (the Urban) through Dolores and on to Catral. 
There we stopped for a coffee in a pretty little square just outside the local church, then we returned via Almoradi, Daya Nuvea, Daya Vieja and Sant Fulgenci back to Marjal, a round trip of 49 Kilometres or 31 miles. 

Cafe in Catral
Part of the Dutch group

Now for the Dutch who cycle at least three times a week it was plain sailing but for yours truly who cycles about three times a year, I ended up with severe numb bum syndrome.

Clog’s: Last Saturday we attended a Dutch evening organised by Kase (a Dutch chap on the site) it was a great success, with good food, good music and a chance to meet new people. 
No, we didn’t have to dance in clogs, though we have been informed that they do an afternoon session presenting Dutch music so you never know.

Currywurst’s: On Sunday we visited Lemon Tree Market, why they call it that I’ve no idea apart from the fact that the road leading to it is full of Lemon trees. 
We did have difficulty finding it as the directions given to us by our friend Nigel where a bit confusing. It is a massive market and we initially went looking for (would you believe this) a Staffordshire oatcake man. I kid you not!!!!
He cooks traditional Staffordshire Oatcakes on a flat bake top. I have trouble getting those things in Stoke let alone on the Costa Blanca. 
Sadly he was not there as he visits several markets and it’s a case of being at the right one at the right time. Still we found a German café selling the best Curywursts we’ve tasted since we lived in Germany thirty two years ago although nearly all the staff where English (“Allo want a cuppa char love”).

On Monday we went to Quessada to locate a cycle shop, as from last Tuesday’s experience I needed better padding on my derriere if I was going to continue cycling. 
Things are very expensive here but needs must and we managed to get a good pair of cycling pants and mittens. 

So this morning (Tuesday) I was well equipped and ready to go, well after applying copious amounts of cold crème to ease the saddle sore syndrome.
Off we went, this time all the way up to the west of Catral just four Kilometres short of our new camp site, the one we will be moving to soon, and stopped for a coffee. 
Then we returned through the countryside to Marjal this time we’d cycled another 49 Kilometres, but we did stop for a second time in Rojales at a nice Dutch café & bakery.

So here I sit (painfully) at the lap top hoping that this coming Saturday my rear end will be tough enough to sustain yet another 49 to 50 Kilometres of cycling.

We have had two unusual visitors who delighted in residing on our front windscreen both very large and hungry looking, I wonder if its Kay's cooking or me they're intrested in?

A Grasshopper
 and a Praying Mantis

More Anon

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