Monday 30 May 2011

Success at last

Dometic have contacted me with the details of someone who will carry out the urgent recall work on the RV’s Fridge, Yay--hay….action at last, But the location is sadly in Pontyclun, South Wales, not exactly what you’d call local or on the doorstep for Cheltenham.
Still it will give the RV a good run and we can then see if the LPG problem has been solved or not after our last week’s visit to the Autogas centre in Stonehouses.
We also had a jaunt out to explore a roman site at Great Witcombe and some of the local villages around Cheltenham and by accident we found a little gem of a Cotswold village called Painswick, (how quaint is that for a name?) Kay indulged in her tomb-stoning passion at the local church while I enjoyed the village and its architecture and a chance to stretch my legs.

Painswick post office

Painswick Church yard
Painswick church

On Friday Kay and I took a run back home to Port Talbot in the toad, this also gave us the opportunity to check out the route to the Auto-masters garage that’ll  be carrying out the work on the RV’s fridge. 
It turns out that it’s great run i.e. its Motorway and duel carriageway all the way until we hit the village of Pontyclune then it will be a bit of a nightmare weaving through the narrow streets and very small entrance to the garage.
We went to collect the BBQ from storage in Bridgend then to collect our mail and a gas bottle from Kristina’s and to Tax the RV and visit the girls and grandson. We first had lunch with the girls and Gavin in Swansea and to get the Tax done, then it was back to Samantha’s to visit Rhys when he came home from his after school club. Kay really missed the grandson and the girls but they know where we are and we will be having plenty of visits.

It also gave us the opportunity to visit the old house in passing and we discovered just how small the old cul-de-sac where we use to live now feels….living in the RV really lets you feel as if the world is your home and not just one small patch of land. Our windows on the world changes with each new location and we’re not just staring out into the same little street anymore, it comes as a bit of a surprise.
The site has been packed this weekend with caravans, tents and motorhomes and of course the kids as it’s a bank holiday. Not a single bay was free, sadly the weather has done its usual Bank holiday trick and the rain is now pouring down. I think the weather waits until I have my BBQ and then decides it’s not giving me the chance to use it or Sod’s Law as its better known.

Great Witcombe church
Millennium Mosaic Great Witcombe church

Great Wicombe Roman villa
Heritage site

Kay avoiding a rain shower at the Roman villa site Great Witcombe

More photos can be viewed on the Animal and Blod's scrap book page on Facebook

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