Saturday 14 May 2011

The RV's New Logo

We've had an interesting day today, this morning we met up with another relative, my first cousin Barbara with her daughter Margaret and son-in-law Mick.
Kay and I had met up with them for a nice lunch at the sites tea rooms and we talked for ages about our families and of motor homes, I think I've seen more of my cousins in this past week than I have in all of my 63 years.
I hope to put some photos of them on the Blog when Mick sends me some copies of the ones he took just before they departed.

At the lunch Graham Jnr presented me with a nice selection dish of free ice creams that the farm produce as this is our last day here, I was a bit miffed that he handed out five spoons as well.... damn and I thought they were all mine!

Phil and Zita called over and Phil put the new Logo on the RV for us just as it was about to poor down with rain, so if you pass us on the road remember to beep your horn and give us a wave.
It looks really classy and we use the Lancer as our handle on the American RV forums so those who contact us on them will know who we are when we travel the highways.

As Phil was putting the Logo on the RV Graham Jnr was passing in the field next to us and I couldn't resist the opportunity to take a photo of him doing his mother goose act as he ushered the gees towards their pen, I have never seen him without a smile on his face, we will defiantly be back to this site.

Lancer Logo
Lancer logo

Graham Jnr leading the gees into their pen

Well its time to get organised for the journey tomorrow so keep a watch for our post of the new location on Monday.

More Anon

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Good Bye Red Lion... I have also enjoyed our visit!!! Now... Talley Ho... Away we Go!!!