Tuesday 3 May 2011

Getting the escape pod ready

The wind has dropped at last so it was time to get out and start tidying up all the little jobs ready for Thursday when the RV goes in for its MOT.

Both the toad and the RV had a good wash down and small items like making sure the windscreen wipers are clean and the washer water bottle was full. Removing and storing the wheel covers, clean all the windows and check everything is working. I think we will leave emptying of the waste and water tanks till the morning.
The animals on this farm are real characters. As you work the Guiney fowl pester you, the cows come to nosey through the fence. The lady next door will have a fit when she gets back the Jerseys have just wrenched her smalls off the washing line, we managed to rescue her bra and the rest of the washing but her nickers are hanging from mouth of a cow and that’s where they’ll stay.
I had to run out again five minutes later as another decided to eat their electric lead to the hook-up and started to munch through it. Luckily I managed to scare the daft animal off before she electrocuted herself. They will poke their noses into everything even their cycles were licked and chomped.

BANG, I had the shock of my life, at first I thought Kay had dropped or blown something until she hollered out from inside that it was from the other side of the RV. When I went to investigate I found that I had left my tool box in full sunlight and in the lid of the electric box I had a gas soldering iron.
The heat from the sun must have expanded the gas in the small reservoir in the handle this had exploded and blown the lid off the box scattering all the electric connectors.
Lesson learnt do not leave tools in open sunlight, especially on hot days. Ah well back to finishing off any small jobs while the weather is still good

More Anon.


Evanelpus said...

always my fault!!!! I could develop a complex...lol

Lancer said...

Just keeping you on your toes LOL