Saturday 1 October 2011

A great evening out

Last night was a great success as Kay and I ventured out to the nearby town of Rojales with seven other Brits, who are residing here at Marjel, for a Chinese meal at the China Town Laguna restaurant.
We shared a car to the restaurant with one of the gents (Eddie) who is here on his own, he had a nice large KIA Sorrento so he offered to drive us in his car as he would have felt a bit cramped in the back of our little Toyota IQ.
The meal at the restaurant was first rate it was all you could eat for just €11 a head and you could have anything that was on the menu. I had satay chicken & crispy spring rolls for starters then sweet and sour chicken with special fried rice, followed by crispy shredded beef with chilli & egg fried rice. I did try some fried squid, fried vegetables and crispy seaweed which I must admit was delicious. 
Kay had curry samosas & chicken Satay with fried vegetables then beef & mushrooms with plain rice and chicken with cashew nuts.
Two large beers and a peach snaps washed down the nights fare. The company was excellent and we later stopped off at the Marjel campsite’s bar for a nightcap.

Today we were inundated with loads of boys and girls from some local basketball teams; they are camping just a few yards up from us in a secure compound. They are a credit to Spain, their behaviour has been exceptional. They are full of the joys of youth without the attitude that some kids in the UK seem to have and the UK kids could do well to emulate these well-mannered youngsters. 
The leaders had sent them out today in groups to achieve a list of things they had to complete around the site, i.e. to obtain a neck tie, a pair of shoes and other things. 
One was to arm-wrestle someone on the site while being filmed by their friends. No prizes for guessing who got roped in three times for this one. They were polite and good fun and some of them spoke reasonable English while others tried their best, which was far better than I could do.

The kids are only here for the one night so normality will resume tomorrow, they have an organised disco down by the pool tonight so an early night sleep is not on the cards.
I’ve jury rigged a lead from the pitches bollard to the TV to get UK ITV and BBC but the strength of signal on the sites satellite means it often breaks up, we are hoping the pitch we move to tomorrow will allow me to link to our own satellite dish without any trees being in the way.

We have the Skype up and running on the lap top and the reception is strong enough for us to have had a live video conference with our Kristina who is in North Wales doing some recording.
Well that’s another day coming to an end in this little paradise and so far we have only had one small shower to dampen the air that occurred first thing early this morning then it was back to full sunshine.

More Anon

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