Sunday 19 December 2010

Sod's Law

Isn't it just.
Since I returned with the RV the weather has turned so bad that the compound where the RV is stored has been shut even the site's offices were all closed as none of the staff could get into work and of course because it's the weekend, its been locked up tight.
It's been more than just an inconvenience as we want to get into the RV to empty the black tank and then fill all the tanks with antifreeze (not the poisonous type, this is for fresh water tanks) as I'm worried the freezing weather may damage them and to get some minor jobs done. And also for me to collect my bleeding mobile phone that's locked up inside (trust me to forget the damn thing).
This morning Kay and I decided to get some more exercise with a winter wonderland walk up the Afan trail to the Afan forestry centre and miners museum, roughly a 5k round trip.
We must be mad! togged up in our winter gear we struggled through the snow drifts, slipped down the tracks and  slip-slided up the inclines. There were madder people than us about, who brazened the tracks on their mountain bikes!
Our reward for all this exercise? Two cups of steaming hot tea a bacon butty and hot Welsh cakes in the Forestry centre then the trudge back to burn off those calories.
Aching and feeling proud that we managed to complete the trek we have battened down the hatches until tomorrow when with luck the compound will be open.
We must be Mad
Come on slowcoach

The trees and the snow remind me of  paintings by Bob Ross.

A Bob Ross photo!!!!
Every tree has a friend

The Afan Trail and the Centre look perfect all year round but in winter it has its own special appeal.

The Afan Centre
The Afan Centre

Stu Freezing
And Posing

Atop O'the climb
Nearly there

The climb from the river bed to the trail is a couple of hundred feet of siding and aching legs then its watch you don't get too close to the edge of the trail.
Who threw that?

More Anon

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