Thursday 16 December 2010

Our new home has arrived at last

Well that was a busy few days, On Tuesday I travelled to London Paddington on a Great Western train (first class) and what a great service, free newspapers and refreshments all the way with posh leather seats arriving dead on time. Now I could get used to this kind of pampering. But then came the big come down, travelling on London's run down and dirty underground across town to Liverpool Street station. I just made it with only three minuets to spare. I boarded a National Express train (which should be renamed to National Disgrace.) This firms1st class was more like a cattle truck, broken and dirty seats no free news papers or refreshments, everything looked shabby and worn out and it ran twenty minutes late to Norwich which caused me to miss my connection to Lowestoft.
The next train was a typical sprinter very basic and packed, Trevor contacted me on my mobile to get off the stop before Lowestoft at Oulton Broad North as the town was very busy and like clockwork he was there to meet me, he then drove me to my hotel for the night the Tramway Hotel.

tramways hotel
tramways hotel

The Tramway Hotel is a typical Pub B&B the room which unfortunately was on the first floor at the front and overlooking to a very busy main road, so traffic noise was a problem. The room although clean was reminiscent of a Bulgarian hotel room that I once visited with worn out and torn carpets, barley enough room to swing a cat and a cheap five channel analogue TV with just as cheap bedroom furniture. The room had its own shower cubicle but the WC was a shared closet on the landing.
That night I decided to have some fish and chips at a locale establishment called 'MR Chips famous fish and chips' just across the road, half the meal went into a bin as I have never eaten fish and chips that you had to chase around your plate through layers of fat and grease, it was appalling.
The saving grace was the Breakfast in the Tramways Hotel the following day which was first class.
Trev met me that morning, me feeling bleary eyed through lack of sleep and in a rush to get the purchase of the RV finalised.
Thankfully the financial side went without a hitch, but we were delayed an hour on our departure which meant it became one mad rush at the very end of our journey to get the RV into the security compound by 6.00 that evening.
Three of us made the journey back to Port Talbot, Trev with his friend Kevin and myself. Trev took the first driving stint and helped me to familiarize myself with the controls and then at Oxford Services I took over and drove through to Monmouth. By then I was getting tired through lack of sleep and Trev took over for the last part into Port Talbot and we made the compound at 6.15 just as they were closing.
Trev and Kev stayed overnight at the Bagel Brook Premier Inn and departed this morning in a small camper that he purchased from a guy he'd contacted in Swansea the previous night.
So our new home is covered from top to toe in grime and road salt and needing a good clean down but we found out during the journey that our Escape pod (as Kay has christened the RV) with it's Chevy V8.1 engine can really motor when it needs to.

More Anon

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