Sunday 26 December 2010

Cough, Sniffle, sneeze and runny noses........

What a Christmas to forget this will be, both Kay and myself are laid low with the dreaded flue bug. Which due to its unpleasant effects means were not really in the Christmas mood or able to get out and about to do anything constructive.

Our youngest daughter is away visiting our Son-in-law Gav's parents in Bonny Scotland so we have the house to ourselves but we did managed to drag our aching limbs down to visit our eldest daughter and grandson (who I swear gave both of us his flu germs as an early Christmas present) on Christmas day to watch him open his presents.
Then we all had an enjoyable Dinner with Kay's mother cooked by Samantha.

Our Flu symptoms soon had us heading back to Little Switzerland (Pontrhydyfen) to cwtch up for the rest of the night (supping mulled wine) and then early to bed dosed up on paracetamol and cough syrup.
If we had been in fine fettle and good spirits no doubt we would have ventured once more up the valley for a good long walk but for the moment that's out of the question.

We would like to wish all of you following our trials and tribulations a Merry Christmas and if you have had the misfortune to have that dreaded flu bug then you have our deepest sympathies.
Keep tuned in with our coming adventure this bug won't keep us down for long and we have lots to do to get ready for the road.

More Anon

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