Tuesday 15 March 2011

What day is it?

I had to ask that very question this morning, as one day seems to just slip into the next. The weather had turned grey and misty but the temperature had risen so I suppose we shouldn’t complain. Yesterday in the dry and the sunshine I managed to complete loads of little jobs on the RV like getting rid of some rust and painting a bit of the step, then cleaning anything that was chrome to stop any further damage, (‘it’s a hard life isn’t it?’ says I to myself, trying to sound hard done by but failing miserably.)

So today we decided to treat ourselves to a little trip back down into Shrewsbury using the Oxon Park and Ride. I asked the bus driver ‘do you allow Welsh bus passes’ (well being so close to the border I thought I might just get away with it) to which he replied ‘Nope, if you are travelling into Wales or out of it yes, bit not within England’ (Ohh Bummer,  trying to be a cheap skate again.)
So I decided to take Kay on a little boat trip down the river Severn, now years ago I would have just grabbed a pair of oars and a rowing boat and taken to the water, but being a tad older I opted for the safer option, a river cruise.

The boat was called Sabrina the Goddess of the river, Hmm, a bit over the top me thinks, maybe it should have been named Loki the god of jokers (i.e. someone was taking the P*ss when they thought that name up). It wasn’t that bad, it was just that it was a dull day.
The boat sails every hour from the Welsh bridge to the English bridge and back (maybe I should have asked if I could have used my buss pass) it was a nice quiet trip for all four of us, well that’s how many of us where on the boat, excluding the two man crew. We had a nice trip from the one bridge and back to the other, the commentary from the crew’s tape machine was only on the return journey and it was a bit sparse but it whiled away an hour.

We then decided to stop for a break at an old tea house that we had spotted earlier called Poppies Tea rooms. This place is a little gem of an old Jacobean house built in 1617. It was an original timber framed house that was originally two separate houses now knocked into one (8 and 8a Milk street) two rooms were completely wainscoted with Jacobean oak panelling sadly only part of it remains today.

Poppy's Tea Rooms Milk Street
St Mary's church

We then took a stroll around the town and found would you believe it, Scrooges grave, in the back of St Chad’s church. Apparently the grave yard was used in the 1984 film of Dickens Christmas Carol with George C Scott and the tomb stone was left there after the filming finished. And there was me taking the Michael out of the Yanks for putting Forest Gump’s bench into a museum!

Scrooges Grave
The full stone

St Chad's Grave yard
St Marys Cottage

St Chads

Well we're back in the RV now and settling down for the night.

More Anon


Nancy said...

LOL!! The film crew left Scrooges fake grave marker?? Too Funny!! Maybe the caretakers will hold tours at Christmas for all the bad little boys and girls!! LOL! By the way, loved the boat cruise, but .. I did get a bit cold. Glad we were only gone for an hour. Anyway.... until the morrow.... Happy Trails!
ps... I just might have to share that grave stone pic with the rest of the folks across the pond!! Wonder what kind of story I can make up!!! Hmmmmmm.....

Evanelpus said...

Hiya Nancy, glad your having a good time with us. It's surprising what we're picking up on our travels. The "grave stone" was new to us as well. But we did find it funny. lol