Thursday 10 March 2011

Wind?.... What wind?

I’m sure someone upstairs is out to test our resolve, the wind started to blow and then it became stronger and stronger. We're situated just off the crest of a small hill on the site so there was nothing to block the force of the gusts. Last night Kay and I lay in our warm bed as the RV was buffeted and rocked by gusts of winds of 40mph and more. I had the same question every few minutes in my ear ‘we are safe in this aren’t we?’ Note to self! Check on the Internet, what is the strength of the mistral in Spain?

I loved it, as it took me back to the days when I used to camp in an old canvas tent as the wind rattled the fabric and I would hudle for warmth in on old army blanket (Those were the days (NOT).
It took me some time to convince Kay that it was a big machine and even though it had a huge flat area that it would take one hell of a gust of wind to even move us let alone tip us over.  I slept like a log but I think Kay’s sleep was more fitful

So this morning we just sat back and relaxed, well that’s what this lifestyle is all about. We eventually ventured out but only to visit Tesco’s to fill the toad with fuel and to top up our shopping list. On returning we had the good news that our tyres for the RV had arrived and we have made plans to go and have them fitted. We also used Skype video conferencing with our youngest daughter Kristina for the first time and that went really well, so hopefully we will set this up with our other daughter and our grandson, well it all helps to shrink the world.

The wind has started to abate so tonight Kay should at least get a good night’s sleep (fingers crossed).
More Anon 

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