Thursday 17 March 2011

Oh hum yet another day

As your reading this I don’t want you to think that all we do is to sit around and drink tea all day. Well not all the time anyway, now and again it’s a bottle of plonk not tea, like last night. Well I thought I at least deserved it, after another hard day of looking for little things to do around the RV while Kay had her feet up reading her book (it’s a hard life). 
Kay working hard

So this morning as the sun shone merrily through the RV’s blinds we decided another foray into the wilderness was on the cards. Well we needed to get out and get some fresh air, so off we went to visit Lake Vyrnwy in the Welsh mountains.
We headed off down the B3498 through the local village of Knockin and passed the quaintly named local store called “The Knockin Shop” (you can’t say these folk don’t have a sense of humour.)
We then passed through Measbrook , Llanmynach, Llansantffraid-yn-Mechain, Llanfechain,Llanfyllin, Trcrwyn and Abertridwr. (For our overseas readers Ll is pronounced with a mouth full of spittle to get that Lchll sound and the ch sounds like the ch at the end of Loch so if you are good at it you should have a lap full of spit by now.)
The scenery was glorious in the morning’s sun; everywhere was verdant green and lush. The winding and undulating roads soon had us mesmerised with the beautiful scenery and quaint little villages with those unpronounceable names. After a short while we were greeted by the site of the huge Victorian dam of Lake Vyrnwy. The lake is of course artificial and the drowning of the small village in its valley caused much controversy both then and still today, but Liverpool needed water and the good city elders though little of drowning a small Welsh village. Today some local Welsh politicians could do with a taste of that medicine.

Vyrnwy Dam
Vyrrnwy Dam

Kay on the Dam
Lake Vyrnwy
The water tower

At the Artisans café by the dam we joined a group of art students who no doubt were on a school day out. For a change they weren’t dressed in the usual art student uniform of brightly coloured everything, including hair and face, but sedately dressed in black track suits and trainers. We later passed them cycling around the lake and due to the narrowness of the lake side road had visions of showing them how to discover water colours from a submerged perspective.

History of the lake can be found here

We decided to drive around the lake as the thought of hiring one of those cycles like those young students (and possibly getting a hernia) was a bit too much like hard work.
It’s getting near to the end of our stay here at the Oswestry Camping and Caravan site we just hope that the dry weather holds out for our unplanned trip back to Red Lion Farm on Sunday where we will meet up with some old friends, Daisy the cow, Larry the Llama oh and Phil and Zita.

More Anon

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