Sunday 10 April 2011

Sunny Sunday

The heatwave continues and as usual we had just been fraternising with the locals, when out of the blue we had a visit from an old army mate.
Alan Fradly and his wife Ann dropped by to see us and we spent a couple of enjoyable hours talking all things motor homes. Its a pity I didn't bring the Cadac BBQ with us as the weather was perfect for one and Frad could have immersed himself in Frigadellen and Bratwursts mit Senf to remind him of the good old days in Germany.
The camp site has been packed with visitors coming and going to the tea rooms all day, I can just imagine what the site will be like next week if this weather keeps up, but knowing the vagaries of the British weather a monsoon will no doubt hit us next weekend.

Frad & Stu

Bella one of the ponies has really taken too me this morning, as I attempted to change the Pressure relief valve (without any success as the damn thing is rock solid and I don't want to tempt fate by forcing it) and as I worked she sided up behind me and gave me a nudge in the back, after which I could pat and stroke her and she was nuzzling my arm quite contentedly.
Strange creatures horses they ignore you one minute and then want fussing the next (sound familiar!!!!)

Typical when I recharged the water heater afterwards, the valve stopped leaking so let's see how it progresses after all 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'.
relief valve

A chap in a Four Winds Hurricane RV (who arrived with the caravan rally) popped over to see us and we spent some time discussing the differences in our machines. It appears he's also new to these RV's and I was able to pass on some things that I'd discovered and in turn we tried out extending his awning to see how they roll out, as mine would end up in the field with the horses and cattle we are so close to the fence.
I gave him the name of a good tyre supplier up at Oswestry (where we had our tyres replaced) as it looks as if he will soon be in need of replacing his, how the people who supply these units get away with supplying machines with dangerous out of date tyres I don't know.
Then it was off for a lunch at the tea rooms and a visit to see how our friends in a neighbouring caravan are as they have had some illness.

More Anon

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