Saturday 9 April 2011

Blind Panic

The heat wave has arrived this weekend and we have been out enjoying the sun as usual, but you can have too much of a good thing, so we looked at what little jobs where on the cards that needed completing in the RV.
We received a pack from rvspares last week that contained all the necessary bits to repair a broken string on a Day-Night Blind. Now on the pack it states ‘you will need two hours to complete this task’ yeh right! Three hours later after much swearing and panicking we completed the task.
Four string diagram

This is a two string version

Simple…. yes if you have three sets of arms, the kit comes complete with a CD that guides you through the process of fitting no end of different types of blinds, but isn’t it just typical that yours is only just mentioned and even then some parts on your blind don’t look quite the same as the ones on the CD.

The kit
Still it does prove one thing, that together we can now restring a four corded, three bar, Day-Night Blind, so if happens again when we are away that’s one task that we can say ‘yep we can do that’ and it also proves Kay and I can complete a tricky task without any divorce proceeds being taken. Mind you, I have yet to replace the Atwood pressure release valve yet.

Today I did my bit for some of the farms animals, I noticed the water trough next to our RV was dry, as the ball valve was broken and the poor horses and Cows just stood there looking sad, so I nipped out and ran the hose from our water tap to the trough and refilled it for them. Some were so glad, they didn’t wait for me to finish before their heads where down and they were slurping away.
Well I’m off back out to enjoy the sun.

More Anon

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