Friday 22 April 2011

A seven year old monster,

What fantastic weather! It would be nice to just put up our feet and sun bathe, but we have our seven year old grandson Rhys to entertain and sitting still is not one of his favourite pastimes unless of course he’s plugged into his DS Lite.
We had promised him a trip to the Bliss hill Victorian Museum in Iron Bridge, as he was doing this era as part of his school work so in a way it was an educational trip, Hmm you try telling that to a seven year old. ‘Can I play on this, can I play with that and I’m bored what’s next?’
He enjoyed the ride on the merry go round and the coconut shy but the Victorian School experience filled him with dread as he found it far to strict, ‘bring back the bad old days’ says I.

Victorian Museum
Ye Olde Merry go Round

Coconut Shy
The mine experience 

The Victorian School
drunken Recruiting Sergeant

After the museum we went to the Iron Bridge Gorge hoping it would entertain, well we enjoyed it anyway. To be fair it was a long day for him and he handled all the walking without any grumbling and that night, he was out for the count.

Iron Bridge
Nana & Pest on the bridge

Over the past two days another RV has arrived on site a huge Monaco Dynasty driven by Cedric and Dorothy. Cedric helped me with replacing the external Drive lights with LED’s as he had a large ladder that enabled me to get at the units easily and when one of the units had a faulty connector Cedric had the part and tools to hand. The one thing I’ve discovered about the RV community they are always ready to help if you get stuck.
So apart from the drive lights and rear cluster all the external lights are now LED’s my next job are the two internal 12” neon strip lights, after that all internal lighting will be LED. In the bathroom I’ve now replaced the old yellow plastic shower head and hose with a new water saving model in chrome.
Gradually our little home on wheels is taking shape and I’ve just had a call from Chase RV that our Satellite dome has arrived so tomorrow it will be installed.
Ah well back to the sun lounger

More Anon

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