Sunday 3 April 2011

Mothers Day

We awoke to a dullish day but soon the sun came out and the farm sprang to life, as the rabbits bounded from their burrows and the cows and horses came to call. Being Sunday the caravan crowed started to pack up, hook up and make their move early and by the end of the day the rally field was empty. The sites tea rooms have been doing a roaring trade all day with visiting groups of families, no doubt dads dragging mum out with the kids or grand kids to celebrate the day.

Talking of Mothers day, we had a nice surprise this morning announced by a loud knocking on the RV’s door (which shook us both awake) and there with her arms full of flowers, chocolates cards and a balloon announcing happy mother’s day was a young delivery lady.
Kay was soon in tears as she is missing her daughters and grandson and the arrival of these gifts tore at her heart strings. A few telephone conversations later and she was back to her normal self. As I’ve predicted our kids will always find us no matter where we are.
We’ve been planning our touring strategy today and have been phoning a few camping sites to cover the coming summer period, our aim is to head south to the Cheltenham area first, then further down towards Devizes and hooking back towards the Malvern’s by the end of August for the three counties Western Motor home show. After the show it will be south again, eventually heading for the channel ports ready for our departure into France and Spain for the winter months.

Hopefully by then any problems with the RV will have been ironed out and we will feel more confident of arriving safe and sound at our eventual destination, which as yet is still in the air. I think the only fly in the ointment is fuel costs i.e. what will we be paying for a litre of petrol and LPG come August?

I’m of the opinion that our governments (new and old) are conning us, LPG which our RV uses, has increased from 50p to 78p per Ltr in just one year. Now they can’t use the excuse that it’s the cost of fuel imports going up as we export 45% of our north sea LPG overseas, or that it’s the carbon footprint excuse as LPG is a green fuel so by rights they should be encouraging its use by lowering its cost (pigs might fly).

More Anon

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