Thursday 10 February 2011

Eventful or What........?

Our maiden voyage was certainly a voyage of discovery, Including a few hiccups along the way.
We left Port Talbot unfortunately thirty minutes late, as some clown had parked his car across the exit way out of the compound. Thankfully a kindly gent went over and knocked the door to ask him to move his obstructing vehicle.
So eventually we did hit the road and everything seemed to be going great guns as we headed off down the M4 towards Cardiff then onwards to Newport and up the A449 towards Monmouth. I had noticed that the reversing camera screen was blank (no picture of the road behind and our following toad) but decided to look at it later.
Then the Snooper battery gave out so now I had no Sat Nav. What the hell was going on? Then the snooper fell off the dash board  no doubt in disgust at the lack of power.
We pulled into a truck stop just before Symonds Yat and as Kay went to get some refreshments I decided to investigate and it dawned on me that near the entrance door is a small switch which reads (Store--Use) it was set to store, so a quick flick of the switch to Use and you guessed it, hey presto the reversing camera screen lit up and so did the Snooper. You live and learn!!!!
Just for good measure I decided to check the trailer and noticed that the jockey wheel was running on the ground, either it had not been secured when we left or it had worked loose, so a quick wind up to secured the jockey wheel into place.
OK nothing was going to deter us so off we went merrily on our way, then just before the M5 the Gas Change-over switch started beeping like mad. The switch which we knew was stuck in a locked position and was broken had decided that it didn't want to use LPG.
Panic!!!!! I only had half a tank of Petrol, so we pulled into Strensham services to check the state of the LPG and filled up with 95 Ltr's to make sure we hadn't run out of gas we now discovered we had 240Ltr's of LPG in the tanks. The problem we later discovered was definitely with the switch, so we eked out the petrol hoping to top up before reaching the M54, but every stop big enough for us only offered diesel . We eventually made Signature our stop for the modifications just off Jkt 1 of the M54 with just a quarter of a tank of petrol left, phew that was close these machines slurp petrol at amazing rates you can literally watch the needle fall.
So now it was unload the toad and drive off to Trentham for our three night stop over leaving the RV and its problems and its modifications to be sorted out with a great guy by the name of Ross.
We had a marvelous time visiting family and old friends while staying at Trentham's Premier Inn, we met with my sisters and brother and an old school friend and his wife who I have known since my junior school days and a lot of time was spent reminiscing. Sadly we were unable to visit everyone that we wanted too as time was very limited but we intend to make up for that later.
So now for to day... we left Trentham and drove down to Signature to help finalize any problems with the RV, fair do to Signature these guys are great and will go the extra mile to make sure you are taken care off unfortunately some of the items we had ordered didn't arrive, so they are on order for our next visit.
At four o'clock we made our way to our first long stay location driving up the M54 to junction 3, then up the A41 and over to Houghton for our three week stay at the Red Lion Farm arriving just before dark. It was a rush to get set up for the night so here I am after sorting out the  water and electric with a glass of red wine in hand starting our first night of what we hope will be a long adventure with Kay looking over my shoulder spotting my mistakes.

Animal and Blod are on the Road at last.
A Frosty Trentham Gardens
Remains of old hall

Shopping village
Festival Park

Kay & Stu

More Anon


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