Wednesday 23 February 2011

Dohh…..Homer Simpson and calories

Well we are still novices at this RV thing but thankfully there are people out there who can help.

This morning just before they were about to leave in their RV for the NEC, Harry who goes under the handle of Gofer on the forums gave my RV the once over. Straight away he spotted something wrong (we were complaining that one of the internal trays in the fridge seemed to soak the food from a hole in the tray) he discovered that we not only had a tray the wrong way round but that the drain hole, which we didn’t even realize was a drain hole, was not lined up with the small drain chute at the rear (which we also hadn’t spotted).
He then showed me that in the outside vent compartment of the fridge was a small hose that he advised was best left to run through one of the vents to drain the water away from the RV and not to be left tied up inside where it could cause possible rust damage (so one problem solved.)

Problem two, in the bedroom is a roof extractor with a vent that automatically closes when rain comes down. Now I knew it worked but for the life of me I couldn’t remember how. And as I showed this to Harry I turned a knob thinking it was something to do with heat or temperature control and the whole thing suddenly burst into life. Dohh…. Homer Simpson time, it was part of the rain sensor and it was set too high.

No doubt there will be other things wrong that can be remedied by simply getting some friendly help like how do you drop the huge awning and rewind it? 

After the weekly food shop at Tesco’s and to refill the toad after yesterdays jaunt, we popped back to store the vitals away and decided that a quick visit to the tea rooms was needed.
This farm makes some gorgeous ice cream so today after a small lunch of baked potato and tea, Kay decided that the Christmas pudding flavoured ice cream was too much to resist. So armed with a large tub of the stuff we headed back to the RV where Kay warmed up some of the farms homemade Brambly Apple Pie and topped it off with Christmas pudding flavoured Ice cream.

Note to Kay’s Sliming World friends her diet is failing miserably……… and my trouser waist band is shrinking.

Things to do……visit Stafford Castle, we’ve passed this monument many times on the M6 but have never visited it and the walk will help burn up some calories. The National Arboretum to pay our respects to the lads and to visit some old friends, so plenty to do yet before we depart.

More Anon

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