Friday 11 February 2011

Day Two.........

We were woken by the dawn chorus of cockerels crowing, cows mooing and other sounds of our rural surroundings that we've yet to discover, Like "Oy yooze ger orf ma laaand" and  "eer ye..are daisy" and that wonderful smell of silage as it catches the breeze, well it is a farm after all.

The sun rise was fantastic and the day turned out to be warm and dry. We were visited by horse's, Long horned long haired cattle and flocks of Guinea fowl that marched through the site from the pastures that surround the camp site.

The shower and wc is pretty basic but the owner is presently building a brand new shower and toilet block and knowing our luck it will be finished just as we leave. There's a log cabin that serves as a farm shop and tea rooms, so after a busy morning sorting out where things have to be stored and filling the tanks with water, we decided to have lunch at the tea rooms before we nipped off into Stafford's Tesco's for our weekly food shop.

We were pleasantly surprised by the shop and tea rooms they are spotlessly clean and tastefully decorated.  The food was excellent and there is a good selection of home cooked goods on offer.
Tea rooms
Inside the Tea Rooms

After collecting our shopping the rest of the day was spent cleaning down the RV and trying our best to get everything organised.
We have also met some of our neighbors as there are eight caravans with us on the site, so for our first full day of our new mobile life it looks to be going as we expected.

One downside..... we found the windows were covered in condensation this morning but that could be down to the RV having been left unheated for a long time is now slowly drying out.

More Anon

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