Saturday 19 November 2011

One week on

We’ve been very busy this week, so it’s been hard to spare time to keep the Blog up-to-date with all that’s happening. 
Each day is filled with either getting out to different places, not to visit new towns or villages but to get things we need or being invited out to lunch and being involved with organising events.
We did get out taking a cycle ride, but even that had an alternative motive as we are setting up our own little cycling group to go touring so it was more of a fact finding mission with a slight detour to view a local cemetery (Kay’s tomb stoning).
We cycled out of the Site over a new bridge and down a Camino (service) road to the nearest village of San Felipe Neri. It’s a one horse village but has a fantastic restaurant called Casa Harry or Harrys bar that’s well known for good cuisine. 
From there we went through Catral and on down towards Dolores stopping off at a local flea market. We both found this a little un-nerving as the market consisted mainly of car boot style stalls run by mainly dodgy looking Moroccan’s with very few women in evidence so we departed quickly as we stuck out like a pair of sore thumbs.
We had used mostly service roads as we wanted to keep away from any heavy traffic that would be suitable for a cycling group. We returned and called in at a Cemetery just on the outskirts of Catral for Kay to indulge in her tomb stoning and then using the back roads we made our way back to the site.

Catral Cemetary

Enclosed tombs

We also had a pleasant surprise when a phone call announced the arrival of our friends Nigel & Rose, from the Briarfields site near Gloucester, who were on their way down through Spain to join us the following day. It was nice having them park up on the pitch next to us, with their dogs Susie & Oscar. My reversing guiding technique failed when supervising Nigel onto the pitch when one of his small running lights got smashed on a small tree. 
This ended up with me visiting Cruz caravan at Elche to get him a replacement, must remember a tree has a bottom as well as a top.

The mountains behind the site below

I’ve been meeting with Huglio the Animation (events) chap in organising the art group that will start next week, though he and all the team here are working flat out to make this site a success.

In the week we dropped a couple of fellow RV’ers off at the airport, they had arranged to collect a hire car from there and in thanks they invited us both out to a " meal of the day"  in the restaurant last night.

We have also decided to purchase a storage tent to store the cycles and other bits that are now stored under the RV and have finally completed the task of covering our entire pitch in green matting.

It’s strange how rumours spread; we had an email from a friend on the old site saying that they have been told all is not well at the new site, its complete rubbish of course. It’s probably been spread by one of the group on the old site who is aggrieved at not moving with the rest of us to the new site.

The weather has taken a turn for the worse with clouds and rain, but it has had one benefit in that the crowds of Spanish campers have decided to stay at home so the expected rush this weekend has failed to materialise.

The indoor pool and the gym opens today but unfortunately I’ve caught a head cold so Kay’s advised me to stay away from the pool until it clears, damn and I was looking forward to that.

More Anon

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