Friday 4 November 2011

Good Luck, Bad Luck

Bad Luck first:

The weather has been our bad luck this week, as it’s been wet and windy with the occasional good day. 
On the 31st it was Halloween, there was a large party organised in the restaurant to celebrate event by the Marjal staff and the Spanish campers. It was a great event with loads of the campers and kids dressed in fancy dress. We didn’t attend as we were feeling a bit tired though we had loads of young visitors at the RV dressed in all sorts of freaky outfits seeking treats. 
Note that the trick part doesn’t seem to be part of the festivities here, thank god.
I’ve managed to keep my exercise regime going and completed a 52.9 Km cycle ride with the Dutch group last Tuesday. 
We cycled to the outskirts of Elche where we stopped for refreshments and then returned via Dolores past the El Hondo nature reserve and Rojales back to Marjal, needless to say my butt was very sore and is still recovering.

the Dutch cycle group near Elche
and at Dolores

We have made a couple of trips to the new site near Catral to check the progress of the site and to measure the pitch. 
The pitches here in Spain are mostly hard packed stone dust and in wet and windy weather the stuff gets everywhere. So to prevent it causing a mess all the people with long term pitches put down green plastic matting over the top, this allows you to keep everything nice and clean.

Our new pitch its big....very big
Main Drive

We have been seeking some windbreaks as the new site will be very open and we will need some protection from the wind and also to have some privacy when we eat outside. 
These items we found can be very expensive and we have been fortunate to find a supplier just north of Benidorm at Albir who will call down to this site with a good selection of reasonably priced items that several people here are looking for.

Good Luck:

Last night we attended a charity event just outside the town of Guardamar on the Lemon Tree road which had been put on by some folks who were raising funds for the Nuffield centre. 
The venue was packed with people from all over the area and to help with our diets we had deliberately avoided eating prior to attending the event, but sadly the food, for €5 each, came in very small portions which left us feeling still hungry, though we resisted the urge to order a second helping. 
The music was great with a five piece band that did an Everley Brothers tribute selection, an Eagles tribute Selection and finally Status Quo.
During the evening they held a raffle, now with our luck at winning prizes I didn’t hold out much hope, I even made a comment to two friends that if we won anything it would be a holiday for two weeks in a nuclear reprocessing plant in Iran. 
At that Kay turned to me and said “our numbers just been called” so up I went and was asked to select a playing card from one of other the ladies, it turned out to be the Ace of Clubs.
At the table I was told I’d won the top prise of a Christmas hamper and what a hamper, it was full of High quality stuff, Champagne, Brandy, red & white wine, Bailys Crème, Brandy, Christmas puddings and chocolates. 

The chocolates
The booze

I then selected the next ticket for the raffle and returned to the table only to find Kay had disappeared, it turned out the next number I had drawn was Kay’s and she returned with a bottle of Whiskey and Vodka, lucky or what.
So the diet will have to take a back seat while we diminish the now burgeoning stock of chocolates and booze.

More Anon

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