Saturday 12 November 2011

New Week New Site

It’s Saturday and we’ve moved to the new site but more on that later, as the weather looks to change for the worst. 
In the past week we’ve managed to complete quite a few tasks. We had visited the new site last Monday to fit the green matting over the hard packed stone dust surface of our new pitch as well as helping two other campers to complete theirs and then rushed back for a BBQ in the afternoon at the old site. 

It was a great event with live music supplied by Bob and Angie and yours truly doing his bit with the maraca’s again. 
It seems I have become a bit of a celebrity as I’m asked time and time again to show my skills with the maracas, how sad that a classically trained percussionist like me is now only renown here as a shaker and mover, but after seven bottles of strong German Pilsner I was certainly a mover (shades of Morecombe and Wise dancing to Give Me Sunshine).


Mover & Shaker
The following morning both Kay and I (who had also downed seven pilsner's) were remarkably well considering, with no headaches or bad stomachs although I did have a bit of a lager throat. I’d even managed a few rounds of Cribbage after the BBQ so my head was still in working order.

We spent some time over the next few days getting bits and pieces we needed for the new site mainly windbreaks as the site being new is fairly exposed.
We were intending to depart the old site on the Friday, but the management advised us that we should move on the Thursday to the new site as they were expecting 350 caravans from the Alacante Caravan Club on the Friday and it would be hectic getting everyone through the reception area.
So Thursday afternoon we departed the old site and headed for the new one, we made the short hop of 14 miles to this new site without a hitch and started to set up home. 

We have had some fantastic weather with the day time temperature well into the high thirties and the sunsets have been spectacular.

Sunset over the old site
on the new pitch

On Friday the Spanish caravans and motorhomes arrived in their droves and before long the pitches started to fill with riotous Spanish caravaners. 
That night we had a show put on by the camps management and Alex (who is also the young man that runs the art group, some cycling trips and the Spanish for beginners sessions) showed us his skills as a vocalist entertainer and he was very good, for such a quiet young man, he really comes alive when he’s entertaining.

Yesterday we had a visit from Raimon, he’s Marjal’es photographer and Internet chap he took several photos of us and interviewed me on Video Camera for Marjal’s Internet site, he’s a really nice chap half Welsh half Spanish. Now this is confusing bit I’m referred to as Wenglish (Half Welsh half English) so what is Raimon? Is he Wanish or a Wick) you work it out.

Kay & I Setting up home

So far the staff have been exemplary with their welcome and professionalism nothing was too much trouble or too difficult. We have raised our windbreaks and just in time it seems as at the moment a strong Westerly breeze has sprung up. 

We’ve just returned from a massive Paella event put on by the sites management (it’s not often you see the director of a site as big as this standing behind the pumps serving beer) each Paella dish was at least eight feet across and there were two of them. The queue of eager diners was quite long but at €3 for Paella and a beer it was not bad value.

The Paella Que
Getting stuck In

Next to our pitch the Spanish group have erected a rope from our lamp post to the next one with loads of Spanish flags as England are playing Spain today in a friendly match so I nipped down and handed them my England and Welsh flags for them to add as well and they were more than pleased to oblige ‘entent cordiale’ or what!

English & Welsh flags amongst the Spanish

More Anon

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