Monday 20 September 2010

Ohh... Well it could have been worse

Just had the estimate for the repair bill of the car OUCH...., needless to say it's well over a grand which will take a huge lump out of our moving fund you could say it very nearly wiped it out.
So there will need to be some careful financial management over the next month or so but it was something unforeseen and we will just have to muddle through well it's no use crying over spilled milk as they say.

The upside is that our son-in-law Gav has been a gem, he has offered us the loan of his estate car so that we can keep on track with the Car-Boots and shifting any more rubbish as my car will not be available for at least ten days.
One lesson learned... even when you've planned for a rainy day as we did, it can still be not enough in some cases.

We are keeping an optimistic outlook and the Car Boot last Sunday went well and we have planed for at least another four more over the next four Sundays.
Now It's all down to the signing of the contracts on the 5th and the move out to our daughters by the end of October / November by then we should have had the car back and we can start looking at some more RV's.

We've plans to put our caravan in storage locally and if everything works to plan it's where we will put the RV temporarily until we have a towed vehicle, (AKA a Toad ) something small like a Smart to hitch on the back but the issue here is do we use an A Frame or Trailer?

More anon

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