Friday 1 July 2011

The Munchkin Week

Well it’s been a busy week with the Munchkin (that’s my name for Rhys our grandson) a seven year old who needs constant attention. 
Bamps can we do this, Bamps can we do that, it soon gets very tiring even Kay who’s normally a pillar of patience was getting fraught by today, he goes home tomorrow, Yea peace.

We’ve built sandcastles, gone fishing, looked for buried treasure with a metal detector, ridden along the sea front on our bikes, spent loads of pennies in the arcade machines you name it he’s wanted to do it. We took him for a day out to the Helicopter museum near Weston thinking it would be a great day out, how wrong can you be, there were loads of helicopters for him to see but he was more interested in the Dhaleks display and the tea room.

Whooo Monsters Oh and a Dahlek
Not a penny Bamps

Rhys & Nanna Kay

Still we’ve enjoyed his company as seven year olds can sometimes be quite amusing and he’s had the time of his life with his bike riding all over the site and making new friends.
Last night we had the mysterious ‘beeps’ it was driving us mad as we hunted through the RV for the source of the sound, I even had to roam around the outside of the RV in my PJ’s in the middle of the night looking for this mysterious noise, eventually I did locate it.

Rhys had given me his metal detector to store away underneath the RV in one of the lockers and it had been left turned on and of course the damn thing was picking up the metal in the chassis. After sorting that out we were woken in the early hours of the morning by even more annoying beeps. This time we found that his mobile needed charging, so after digging it out from where he’d left it and hooking it up to the charger we finally got back to sleep. But nothing disturbed his nibs, the little cherub just grunted and turned over, I’m glad he’s sleeping soundly!!!

We’ve discovered that we need to keep an eye out for what offers are available especially  when the owner of the caravan who’s just parked next to us, informed us that they’re having four weeks for only three hundred pound, (they had a special offer) where as we’ve  paid two hundred and eight for just one week with a discount. I suppose we haven’t been ruthless enough when asking the price of the pitches and enquiring what offers are available.

Still the weather has been really nice the BBQ has been getting plenty of exercise, so while Kay watches the Tennis I’d better get the Cadac heated up and the steaks on the go.

More Anon

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