Monday 13 June 2011


We’ve decided that we really must get some weight off, after recently losing three and a half stone between us we have slipped back into being couch potatoes and have gained nearly as much weight as we had lost so it was crunch time. 
We awoke this morning with the exercise bug gnawing at our consciences, so off we went with our back packs and walking sticks (Nordic Walking sticks we’re not that decrepit yet!!!) to start our new regime.

Off we drove along the coast to Brean Down, which is one of the most striking landmarks of the Somerset coastline. This rocky outcrop projects dramatically out into the Bristol Channel offering magnificent views for miles around. It’s rich in wildlife and history and was an ideal place to explore. The out crop rises to 100 meters above sea level at its highest point and is one and a half miles long. 

We parked up at the car park by the café and donned our walking gear; the first obstacle we had to face was the climb up the very steep cliff path (no, we didn’t count how many steps there were, we were far to shattered by the time we reached the top).

Brean Down
The Steep Climb

Kay at the top
Kay Nordic Walking

At the summit of the path we headed off towards the seaward end of the outcrop where there is an old Palmerston Fort that was originally built in 1865 and provides a unique insight into Brean's past. See link

Brean Fort
Fort Story

We walked all-round the old fort and eventually after a short break (a nibble on our usual fare of sliced apples) we headed off to the other end of the outcrop and then back down to the car park, a round trip of three miles.

Officers Quarters

View to Steep & Flat Holm islands

On the way back we decided to make a detour to the Haven site to have a word with the chap about the siting of the RV as I was concerned about the low trees we would encounter on the way out. To our relief he will allow us to drive out the way we go in, as this would negate the problem of the trees.

After a light lunch of omelettes we then decided to hit the swimming pool (I know we’re suckers for punishment) the exercise helps keep my shoulders loose and hopefully it will also help to get rid us both of our extra weight and to tighten up my flabby moob’s.
The sauna and steam rooms felt great after all that exercise and the Jacuzzi helped to relive our aching limbs, so we are now both feeling quite relaxed as we sit down to a light tea, we just need to keep away from them biscuits.

Tomorrow we have decided that we will have a rest and visit the Cheddar Gorge before our next challenge of Glastonbury Tor.
More Anon  

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