Tuesday 19 October 2010

Patience, Patience

It’s getting harder to be patient as we both want to get a move on, there’s still no sign of the contracts yet, but we know how banks and solicitors like to drag their feet. Even the young couple who are buying our house have said how frustrating it is as I think they would like to be in their new home before Christmas.

I have a gentleman waiting patiently to purchase our Caravan so no doubt he’s wondering what’s going on. On the positive side our youngest has been great as she and her husband have prepared the spare rooms for us and last Sundays Car Boot was a great success so needless to say the old coffers are looking healthy again after the car bill.

We have seen a nice RV for sale that’s some distance away and we are planning to go and view it as it ticks nearly all the box’s of what were looking for, It doesn’t tick every box but then we knew that in something’s there would have to be a compromise.

We have more stuff to go into storage and even more stuff for next Sundays Car Boot so we’re not letting time go by idly.
We both attended a funeral yesterday of a close relative and at the wake lots of the family were talking about our plans. Most thought we were very brave and would love to do the same; others no doubt think were mad but hay ho what’s a dream if you don’t try to make it come true.
Nightmares? Well we’ll let you know about those as we go on our way.

Kay’s resurrected a bendy Animal doll that I used to have hanging on my drum kit years ago and plans to take a photo of him at each location we visit and post them on here so that should be amusing.
Anyway back to sorting and packing
More Anon 

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