Wednesday 22 February 2012

Ups and downs

Well it had to happen with all this keep fit malarkey, on Monday my old problem of an Osteophyte (Bone spur) that I have in the shoulder kicked in with a stab of agonising pain, of all things as I tried to change into a T shirt to go do my weekly keep fit in the gym. 
Kay in her usual mothering mode said “that’s it, rest and no more physical activity for the rest of the week” and dosed me up with anti-inflammatory tablets. 
So I’ve had to pass the reins of leading the cycle group today onto another chap called Nick, my twice weekly gym sessions with Anita’s fitness class have been cancelled plus swimming is now off the menu. But I am allowed to go to the Spa to use the Sauna and steam rooms as apparently the heat will help with the healing process.

Andy the mechanic from AA Auto’s called as promised on Monday and fitted the new rubber bushes onto the exhaust, so now I can feel more assured when we have to leave the site for Santander that the rear tail pipes will not slip off and drag allong the road.

New rubber mounting

Two people from our group (Christine & Pete) are leaving soon, so on Sunday we all went over to the village of Catral to a small restaurant called Long’s Bar to have lunch together and to wish them a safe bon-voyage. 
The meal was excellent and really good value and I have a feeling we will be going there again.
Tony another of our group at the lunch was feeling pretty awful as he was full of man-flue (or in Spain I suppose it would be called Manuel-flue) a bug that has literally laid everyone on the site low at one time or another Kay and I included.

The group at Long's Bar

Me & Tony
Kay with Christine & Peter

This information will be of use to those who intend to go course fishing while in Spain, you have to have a license and that is supplied by the local area you are in as no one licence covers all of Spain so beware. Even after all the rigmarole Tony and Nigel (our next-door neighbour) went through to obtain the correct licence (and that can take some running around to achieve) you then have to find good locations to fish. To date their tally has been one small carp and two plastic shopping bags, but you have to give them credit for perseverance.

The weather at last has started to pick up sunny and with temperatures soon to be back in the twenties. We have discovered from this visit that when we next come back to Spain in September we need to load up with…Baked beans, lem-sips, ibuprophen, clothes, electrical goods i.e. toaster, art materials, things that we have found hard to find or are expensive.

More Anon

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