Tuesday 16 November 2010

The Evil of Banks and Bankers

Greedy W(B)ankers
OK! I know they are the ones to blame for all our countries financial woes and we all have had to dig deep in our pockets and will no doubt carry on digging deeper to rectify the god awful mess they've got us into.
So you would have thought a little bit of humility and fairness would be on the cards from these greedy individuals!
No such luck....the young couple who want to buy our home, who are panicking that we might pull out (although Kay reminds me its no longer a home she just wants to get going) are being made to jump through hoops to tick box's for these parasitic individuals before they will release the mortgage.
They've had to go through no less than four underwriters to get the mortgage cleared even though these individuals have informed them 'its all been passed verbally.' But that's no good to us or them until it's in writing.
We are pressing the estate agent to get their fingers out and the young couple are pushing their bank (Its Nationwide by the way, time to name and shame) anyone would think it was their money they are lending out for gods sake.

Well rant over, needless to say the panic we had at the start of this process due to it all going too fast has ended up as a slow crawl.
Our latest news (as of Monday morning) is that the bank have informed them that the mortgage should be in writing by this Friday or next Monday.
Whoa...... just saw a pig fly past the window.....

Thankfully Trevor the RV's owner has promised to hold onto the RV for us until the paperwork is all signed and sealed.
Our biggest worry now is that this is throwing our time scale well and truly into the wind, as we wanted to be out of the house by this Friday, because Gavin our son-in-law can't help us move until a fortnight Friday.
So it looks as if yet one or even two more car boots are on the cards as after that the car boot finishes anyway for the Christmas break.
So keep tuned in as with LUCK we will be getting organised this weekend.

More Anon

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