Friday 26 November 2010

Days to go

Well come Sunday it will be our last Car Boot, so what doesn't sell then will either be given to a charity shop or dumped. I think  a sign on the car stating MAKE ME AN OFFER, ALL THINGS TO GO should generate some action.

The rail tickets are booked for my trip to collect the RV and with the good help of Trevor we will be heading our new home back to South Wales in twenty days time.
Next week will be clear everything out week, we'll be organising stuff to go to my daughters, chasing documents and notifying people of our change of address.
Telephone and TV to be disconnected, gas and electric companies to be notified of our departure, thank god Kay has a written list of all those we need to inform even then we seem to find another person or company we need to notify.

Looking at the weather I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all will go to plan, trust us to have the worst winter weather for 17 years and its come at the time we least want it.
Its just our luck, we travelled to Austria for Christmas one year and guess what? it was the first winter that it hadn't snowed for 39 years!

We are looking forward to the day (hopefully at the end of January or beginning of February) that we can start the engine and head out on our big adventure.

The work and planning we have had to do to get to this stage has been daunting, the ups and downs, the waiting and frustration.
It has been surprising what reaction we've had from people when we've informed them of our plans to sell up everything and head out travelling to see more of the world. They have reacted with 'I wish we could do that' or 'its something we would love to do' or have wanted to do.
Its a dream for some, but if you want it you have to go out and grab it, life's to short to just keep wishing or dreaming, we all dream of winning the lottery but unless you buy a ticket there's no chance.
I just hope that all goes to plan and soon we will be on the road and visiting all the places we have dreamed of going to.

Off into the sunset.

More Anon

Saturday 20 November 2010

Hooray...........At last!!!!!!!

At long last the phone call came through. So the waiting is finally over and we will be out of the House and handing over the keys by Monday the 6th of December.
Yesterday we had a call from the estate agent informing us that the young couple have their mortgage in writing (at long last) and that we will be signing on the dotted line a week on Monday.
Why the wait? unfortunately the lady at the solicitors is away on holiday next week and she wants to be the one to put the paperwork through.......
Well that works out as no problem for us as we can't move now anyway until a week this coming Friday as our daughter is away up in Scotland on tour and they will only be available to help us over the weekend of the 3rd to 5th of December.
(You see we need the young ones to help beds and sofas as they are heavy.)
The first thing I did was to ring Trevor with the good news.

Today we cleared out the last things to go for the car boot sales, the delay means we can now make the last two car boot sales of the year, that's tomorrow and next Sunday, Can't say I'm not sorry to finish with those, even though they've helped the old coffers quite well.

We are moving the last of our goods into storage and getting the caravan ready to go into a storage compound in the next two weeks so theirs no time to waste.
Once we are ensconced at our daughters the next step will be to notify all the relevant authorities and institutions of our change of address.

There are a load of things to organise prior to our departing out on the road before February now as we are one month behind our original schedule.

We have to sell the Caravan although its the wrong time of year really, but I've had some enquiries. Sell the 4X4, then purchase a trailer and a Toyota IQ.
Organise the RV Insurance, Road Tax and the like and book up with Signature for the rear air assist units to be fitted.

Well that,s for later

More Anon

Tuesday 16 November 2010

The Evil of Banks and Bankers

Greedy W(B)ankers
OK! I know they are the ones to blame for all our countries financial woes and we all have had to dig deep in our pockets and will no doubt carry on digging deeper to rectify the god awful mess they've got us into.
So you would have thought a little bit of humility and fairness would be on the cards from these greedy individuals!
No such luck....the young couple who want to buy our home, who are panicking that we might pull out (although Kay reminds me its no longer a home she just wants to get going) are being made to jump through hoops to tick box's for these parasitic individuals before they will release the mortgage.
They've had to go through no less than four underwriters to get the mortgage cleared even though these individuals have informed them 'its all been passed verbally.' But that's no good to us or them until it's in writing.
We are pressing the estate agent to get their fingers out and the young couple are pushing their bank (Its Nationwide by the way, time to name and shame) anyone would think it was their money they are lending out for gods sake.

Well rant over, needless to say the panic we had at the start of this process due to it all going too fast has ended up as a slow crawl.
Our latest news (as of Monday morning) is that the bank have informed them that the mortgage should be in writing by this Friday or next Monday.
Whoa...... just saw a pig fly past the window.....

Thankfully Trevor the RV's owner has promised to hold onto the RV for us until the paperwork is all signed and sealed.
Our biggest worry now is that this is throwing our time scale well and truly into the wind, as we wanted to be out of the house by this Friday, because Gavin our son-in-law can't help us move until a fortnight Friday.
So it looks as if yet one or even two more car boots are on the cards as after that the car boot finishes anyway for the Christmas break.
So keep tuned in as with LUCK we will be getting organised this weekend.

More Anon

Friday 5 November 2010

Hooray the waiting’s over...

At long last the estate agent’s telephoned to confirm that this coming week we will be getting the contracts signed and that completion for the of the sale of the house will be done and dusted by the end of the month.
The young couple it appears have been hounding their mortgage lender as they are eager to be in their new home before Christmas.
I know its one month overdue on our plans time scale but at least it’s arrived and the wait did give us enough time to clear out most of our things.
So now it’s all go to get the final bits together and to prepare for our new adventure after Christmas.
In a way it may be a good thing as the sites will be charging high rates for Christmas and the New Year period and all that will be over by the time we get on the road. The down side is that we will be living through the coldest months of January to March in what is basically a box on wheels.
It will be interesting to see how we fare and what problems we encounter, but at least it will give us a taste of the worst of it weather wise and if we find that we have survived that with a smile on our faces then the rest will be downhill (fingers crossed).
The only items we have left to sell are the conservatory suite, a guitar and stand, a Corner TV unit and a Microwave convector oven.
We have a car load of things for this Sundays Car Boot which with luck will leave us just one more remaining car boot after that to finish clearing out our bits and bobs. Whatever's left over goes on a bonfire

More Anon