Monday 19 March 2012

Our Last Days in Spain

All good things come to an end and soon we will be hitting the road back to Santander and the ferry back to the UK. 
It’s sad when you come to the end of a stay that you’ve really enjoyed only to watch as each day your close circle of friends starts to shrink as they all gradually depart the camp for pastures new.
Our time here has been great; we have met some very interesting people from all over Europe and have made many friends. The staff and management at Marjal have been exceptional and they have made our stay a real treat.

Antonio (or Costa) the director has recruited and great team who are a credit to him. Ava with the reception staff are always friendly and attentive sorting out any problem that comes their way without losing that friendly smile.
The bar staff (particularly Ivan and Carmen) work like Trojans never losing that ability to make you feel special and the animation team under the leadership of Julio (originally from Argentina) with his very capable sidekick Anita have made each day highly interesting and enjoyable.
I will miss little Anita’s twice weekly workouts in the gym where her attempt to turn my flab into rock hard muscle has sadly failed…mainly due to my lack of control when it comes to vino tinto and good food. 

We had the last Cycle ride to the town of Callosa last Wednesday and it was nice to be thanked by the group (who at one time reached a total of forty members).

The cycle group at Callosa

We have made a short hop up the AP7 and A7 to refill our LPG tanks at the Repsol depot not far from the Airport. 
I needed 240 Ltrs of Gas but the grumpy old pump attendant started to gripe when the LPG pump started to strain at 177 Ltrs and refused to fill the tanks any further so it will be interesting to see how far we get on that.

The drive gave the RV a good shake down after its long stand and with our fingers crossed everything worked fine. 
The Sat-Nav has been programed with our return route to where we plan to stay overnight north of Madrid not far from Burgos at a campsite, travelling on to Santander the following day.

This weekend has seen a huge influx of campers mainly Spanish as its father’s day today in Spain and the camps swimming pool is out of bounds as is the spa, mainly as its jam packed with campers.

The weather has started to warm up nicely and sitting outside its easy to get sunburnt if you don’t take care, though tomorrow we have been warned that strong winds , storms with thunder and lightning are on the way.
We have had a fortuitous meeting with people that both Kay and I knew over twenty years ago it happened the night Wales beat England at rugby as we watched it in the camps bar / restaurant a meeting that we will reveal more about in our next post.

More Anon